ABC News: German Airline Could Face 'Unlimited' Damages for Alps Crash
28 maart 2015 

ABC News: German Airline Could Face 'Unlimited' Damages for Alps Crash

Lufthansa could face “unlimited” compensation claims for the crash that killed 150 people in the French alps and it would be difficult, even counterproductive, for the German carrier to try to avoid liability, experts said Friday.

Investigators say the co-pilot of Germanwings Flight 9525 locked himself into the cockpit and slammed the Airbus A320 into the Alps. Germanwings is a subsidiary of Lufthansa.

How much the airline ends up paying in compensation will depend on where claims are filed. The options in this case, a German flight en route from Barcelona to Duesseldorf, are many, said Dutch lawyer Sander de Lang.

Lees hier het hele artikel dat gaat over de aansprakelijkheid van Lufthansa en de schadevergoedingen die zij aan de nabestaanden van de Germanwings vliegramp (vlucht U4 9525) moet uitkeren.

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